With its drone plan, is the US imitating what China has been doing for ten years?

In its most recent effort to strengthen its position against China’s military, the United States has committed to building thousands of unmanned ships, aircraft, and other autonomous systems.

According to analysts, it is comparable to what China has been doing for the previous ten years.

By utilising the strength of an integrated military-commercial sector, many unmanned systems have been produced in China swiftly, readily, and affordably, according to Jon Grevatt, head of Asia-Pacific news at defence intelligence firm Janes.

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He asserted that the Replicator programme was imitating part of what China had been doing for the previous ten years.

The devices will be deployed over the next two years, according to Kathleen Hicks, the deputy defence secretary, who unveiled the programme on Monday. They are intended to discourage aggression from Beijing. Additionally, they would be “attritable” — a term used to describe attrition warfare, which tries to wear out the adversary while preserving combat power even when it suffers losses.

The intention, according to deputy defence secretary Kathleen Hicks, is to keep China from concluding that the cost of attacking would be too large to bear. Image: EPA-EFE alt=The intention, according to deputy defence secretary Kathleen Hicks, is to keep China from concluding that the cost of attacking would be too large to bear. Image: EPA-EFE

She said at a seminar in Washington organised by the National Defence Industrial Association that “Replicator is supposed to assist us overcome [China’s] biggest advantage, which is mass. Added ships. Added missiles. More people.

Whether it’s in 2027, 2035, or 2049, the objective, according to her, is to keep China from believing that the cost of attacking would be too big to bear.

Beijing has set a goal for the military to be able to offer “strategic support” for the “great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation” by 2027, the centenary of the People’s Liberation Army.

Some American military officers have interpreted this to suggest that Beijing could invade Taiwan by that year, notably retired admiral Philip Davidson, who oversaw the US Indo-Pacific Command. Some others are still sceptical that the PLA will be able to arrive on Taiwanese shores by that time.

Beijing views Taiwan as a province that broke away from the mainland and should be reunited with it, maybe via force. Even while the majority of nations, including the US, do not recognise Taiwan as an independent state, many are opposed to Beijing’s attempts to annex the island by force.

By 2035, the Communist Party in power also intends to upgrade the military, and by 2049, when the People’s Republic turns 100, it wants the PLA to have “world-class” capabilities.

In the meantime, communication between Chinese and US defence officials has ceased. In the midst of geopolitical disagreements over Taiwan and the South China Sea, Washington has lambasted Beijing for refusing to communicate. Due to US sanctions on defence minister General Li Shangfu and military shipments to Taiwan, Beijing has stated that dialogue is open at the working level but not at the top. China’s defence ministry hailed this stance as “rational and a matter of course” on Thursday.

Grevatt claimed that the “urgency” in Hicks’ communication indicated the belief that China was ahead of the US in the production of a significant number of drones.

When it comes to Taiwan and the Indo-Pacific, “[Mainland] China has a number of advantages,” he remarked. “It can deploy enormous complexes, enormous production, and enormous commercial support. Additionally, proximity is a benefit. Taiwan and [Mainland] China are neighbours. The South China Sea is directly across the street from China.

Drones are already being used by the PLA for its almost daily flights across the self-governing island. According to information from the Taiwanese defence ministry, drones have conducted at least 108 surveillance flights in close proximity to Taiwan since the year’s beginning.

Although Hicks omitted Taiwan from his statement, he said that Replicator will aid in getting past China’s anti-access and area denial defences that prevent a helping force from entering a theatre of conflict. According to military observers, Beijing has deployed its Shandong aircraft carrier and drones off Taiwan’s east coast in an effort to prevent American forces from Guam and Japan from assisting the Taiwanese military in the event of a Beijing attack.

The United States is likely to develop fleets of unmanned aircraft and self-guided weapons under Replicator, according to Timothy Heath, a senior international defence research analyst at the US-based Rand Corporation.

The goal, according to him, is to have a lot of cheap, single-use killing equipment that may flood the battlefield and severely damage a Chinese ground force.

According to Heath, the US now relies on crewed aircraft and ships that operate out of bases that are exposed and whose whereabouts are known to China.

Due to their increased mobility, attritable drones can take off from a jungle or woodland rather than a runway. Even if they are discovered, the PLA would be compelled to fire down the low-cost drones with expensive ballistic missiles, thus increasing the US’ cost advantage.

According to Heath, China is already working on unmanned vehicles, loitering munition, or drone suicides, and it wants to leverage big data and artificial intelligence in its military activities.

“In some ways, the US and Chinese are operating reactively to the same kinds of technological trends and developing similar – although they’ll be used quite differently – technologies for automating parts of the force.”

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