The financial and economic circumstances of middle- and low-income households have gotten worse as a result of President Biden’s economic policy, known as “Bidenomics.” The growth of real salaries lagged behind that of government spending. Additionally, the increase in interest rates makes it even more challenging for regular people to obtain credit. However, Bidenomics promotes more consumer spending as a means of boosting the economy. As a result, many American consumers had to take on additional debt in their homes in order to maintain their standard of living, which reduced their actual wealth. The upcoming rise in the government deficit is expected to diminish Americans’ disposable income and erode their purchasing power.

Having their finances linked to financial markets, whether in the United States or in emerging countries like African financial markets, is how regular people can lessen the impact of the federal deficit on their finances. Although investing in the financial markets can be dangerous, individual investors had a higher chance of keeping their wealth, if not growing it, than if they kept it in their savings account. The markets that are most accessible to retail investors are those for commodities, real estate, and paper assets. Investors can protect themselves from the impact of government deficits on their finances by making investments in financial markets.

The financial markets, economies, trade, and politics between the United States and Africa are the main topics of The Lake Street Review. In order to arm American investors with the knowledge they need to make the best option for their investment goals, it offers succinct and in-depth evaluations of the financial, economic, and political situations in Africa and the United States.

The founders of the Lake Street Review, Germinal G. Van and Frank Morales, see a time when investors will be well-prepared to invest in both the American and African financial markets. They think that Africa has the capacity to become this land of economic marvels, but for that to happen, money must flow, and money can only flow if the people who own the means of production are informed enough to make these investments.

Focusing on financial markets, economics, business, and politics in the US and Africa, The Lake Street Review is an independent online news outlet. Its main office is in Oak Park, Illinois.

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