The top 15 nations who hold the most U.S. debt

The United States has had the largest debt in the entire world for a very long time. While debt has historically been seen as a bad sign, and while this stigma is still evident in many nations and cultures around the world, there has been a shift in global thinking in this area, and debt is now not just relevant but also essential for progress. Due to this, some of the largest corporations in the world have raised their debt load, while generally speaking, businesses engaged in more capital-intensive markets frequently have high levels of debt.

The interest coverage ratio is a crucial tool for determining a company’s ability to repay its debt. A company with an interest coverage ratio of less than 2 is frequently viewed as a risky investment, though this can also vary industry by industry and even within a single industry. On the other hand, if countries or companies continue to increase their debt and become highly leveraged, then they are susceptible to changes in interest rates. In a similar vein, if a nation’s foreign debt is

since the U.S. has the largest economy in the world and can pay its rising debt, the countries that own the most U.S. debt will pay much higher interest rates, and even the U.S. may need to divert cashflow from other activities to be able to meet its interest obligations. Currently, the United States is also leading the

A report by the Congressional Budget Office states that if changes aren’t made, public debt could increase from 98% of total GDP in 2023 to 181% in 2031, according to the Peter G. Peterson Foundation. This is precisely the situation that is currently taking place, as interest rates around the world have continued to rise while governments attempt to control rampant inflation. This has resulted in higher interest payments.

Naturally, even while the nations that possess the most U.S. debt continue to profit from higher interest rates, highly leveraged corporations are suffering greatly due to the factors mentioned previously. One such affected group is office REITs, who have been severely damaged by the Covid-19 outbreak and many businesses focused on hybrid working arrangements rather than forcing staff members come to the workplace full-time. The median office occupancy rate has decreased to just 87%, which is the lowest level recorded since the pandemic’s onset. Despite the fact that equities and bonds and other asset classes have historically outperformed REITs,

The scenario has altered from 1992 to 2017 in 2023. While occupancy rates have decreased, rising interest rate payments have had an impact on the cashflows and net profitability of highly leveraged REITs. In general, when interest rates are higher, property values also tend to decrease. This is true everywhere, not just in the United States, as evidenced by the fact that UK Office REITs have had their share values decrease by 31.6% over the past year, on average, and by 23% YTD. Similar to this, the average share price of Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc. (NYSE:ARE), one of the largest REIT companies in the world, has dropped by about 20% just YTD. In the United States, there have already been several defaults.

Visit the worst performing REITs in 2023 to discover more. real estate sector in 2023 due to rising interest rates. While inflation doesn’t seem to be out of control like it did in 2022, interest rate hikes appear to be slowing down, which may indicate that undervalued stocks like Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc. (NYSE:ARE) are a good investment, especially given that many businesses are encouraging some degree of employee return to the workplace.

Similar to this, businesses across a range of industries are also extremely sensitive to interest rate increases because higher rates raise their obligations relative to their assets and pressure their PE ratios. Because building the essential infrastructure for the industry requires significant cash, AT&T Inc. (NYSE:T), one of the most valuable telecom businesses in the world, is the most indebted company in the world, while Verizon is second most indebted.

The top five includes Communications Inc. (NYSE:VZ) as well. Being heavily leveraged means that these telecommunications companies must account for higher interest payments when interest rates rise, which has an effect on profitability and caused AT&T Inc.’s (NYSE:T) share price to decline by 24.8% YTD and Verizon Communications Inc.’s (NYSE:VZ) share price to decline by almost 18% YTD. At the same time, AT&T Inc. (NYSE:T) has been working to lower its debt. The company acknowledged this during its Q2 2023 earnings call, saying that it has lowered its net debt by nearly $20 billion over the previous three years. Additionally, we just shifted pension liabilities worth $8 billion.

through investing in insurance annuities. We’ve addressed the number of one-time and discrete events, as Pascal will detail, and now anticipate using a growing portion of our free cash flows after dividends to speed up our debt reduction efforts. We are still dedicated to hitting the 2.5 times to 3.0 times level for net debt to adjusted EBITDA in 2025’s first half. However, many businesses also use interest rate swaps to protect themselves from the possibility of rising interest rates.

We visited the U.S. Treasury government website, which contains information on the treasury securities held by nations, and rated countries depending on how much debt they possess. The total amount of debt held by foreign nations is $7.4 trillion. As of January 2023, all interests are in securities.

Treasury securities held in total (in billions): $183.9

Since the American Revolution, when a cash-strapped U.S. borrowed loans from France, France has a long history of lending money to the U.S. Even while France owns $50 billion less in U.S. debt today than it did a year ago, that relationship has endured.

Singapore, one of the nations on the list of those that hold the highest U.S. debt, is a significant financial hub where numerous corporations have regional offices. Singapore is thought to own some of the debt of these nations, which helps to explain why such a small nation has so much US debt.

Since several significant hedge funds have their domiciles in the Cayman Islands, their foreign deposits are included in the calculation of the amount of U.S. debt held there. In fact, according to a number of reports, it is the domicile of more than half of all hedge funds worldwide.

Switzerland invests heavily in U.S. debt and has one of the lowest debt-to-GDP ratios among wealthy nations. Separately, after Credit Suisse entered bankruptcy and was acquired by its rival UBS, U.S. bondholders are planning to sue the bank.

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