The Top 10 Genetically Modified Crops in the US to Eat

Sustainable agricultural methods are essential to global decarbonisation initiatives, per a McKinsey analysis. However, the agriculture sector has to make significant changes across the board in order for the globe to reach net-zero. By concentrating on some of the most popular genetically modified crops in the US, major players in the agriculture sector such as Nutrien Ltd. (NYSE:NTR), Archer Daniels Midland Company (NYSE:ADM), and Bunge Limited (NYSE:BG) are embracing this global shift and directing increased investments in sustainable farming practices in compliance with local regulations. For further information on businesses leading the way in sustainable agriculture,

According to the research, more than half of all livable land is used for agriculture, and this sector is solely to blame for more than 70% of freshwater resource withdrawals. Furthermore, one of the main causes of the global decline in biodiversity is food systems. The integrity of the ecosystem, human health, and food access are all significantly impacted by these systems. The McKinsey analysis makes it abundantly evident that initiatives throughout the whole agriculture value chain will be necessary to achieve the 1.5° target. A sustained decrease in food loss and waste, the acceptance and integration of dietary changes, and enhanced resilience and flexibility to the use of arable land are some of these initiatives.

The report outlines the necessary actions that corporations such as Nutrien Ltd. (NYSE:NTR), Archer Daniels Midland Company (NYSE:ADM), and Bunge Limited (NYSE:BG) must take to facilitate a smooth transition towards enhanced sustainability. Among these actions is the introduction of financial incentives aimed at incentivizing farmers to become more involved in the production of genetically modified crops that are most commonly consumed in the United States. Carbon markets, green premiums, subsidies, rebates, or other green-financing programmes can serve as the foundation for this incentive system. Furthermore, corporations have the option to allocate resources towards fostering a collaborative environment and enhancing traceability in order to provide sustainable solutions to the market, impact the commercialization of farm practices, and influence consumer decision-making processes.

A McKinsey analysis states that significant developments in the biological sciences are anticipated to spark the growth of artificial intelligence, automation, and computers, ushering in a new era of innovation in global business. The bio revolution is expected to have a significant impact on the world economy, particularly on the agricultural sector, according to experts. Genetically modified organisms, or GMOs, are becoming more and more common in the agriculture industry. This is good news for businesses in the field since GMOs boost production and reduce the need for chemical alternatives to manage insect infestations. In the US, genetically modified maize, soybeans, and cotton make up over 90% of the crop. Additionally,

More than 80% of processed foods in America contain GMOs. Globally, just 28 nations have planted genetically altered crops, despite repeated claims by scientists and authorities that GMOs pose no significant harm to human health or the environment (Bloomberg, 2012).

Global ESG mandates also greatly benefit from GMOs, according to another Bloomberg analysis. The February 2022 invasion of Ukraine by Russia has greatly heightened resistance to the need for ESG practices in the defence and conventional energy sectors. Therefore, food security will probably be the focus of ESG proponents’ attention going forward as the next area for ESG implementation.

The research emphasises how crucial it is to apply genetic technology more extensively in seed production as the world moves towards net-zero emissions. In spite of this, a lot of ESG funds are becoming less and less supportive of GMOs out of concern about unforeseen repercussions from excessive food chain interference. But given the possibility of causing a global food crisis, this position is extremely unsustainable, leading many investors and companies such as Nutrien Ltd. (NYSE:NTR), Archer Daniels Midland Company (NYSE:ADM), and Bunge Limited (NYSE:BG) to predict that the ESG tide will soon turn sharply in favour of some of the

According to the analysis, crop demand worldwide is expected to increase by almost 60% by 2050 compared to present levels. While there has been a noticeable increase in crop yields recently, these improvements would need to occur at an exponential pace in order to prevent a scarcity of food, which may occur as early as 2030. The amount of acreage required to fulfil demand if GMOs are not quickly introduced into farming operations would equal the combined land area of the Netherlands, Belgium, France, and the United Kingdom. Thus, the analysis determines that businesses that include genetically modified organisms (GMOs), particularly those related to seeds and plants, into their supply chain may generate over $1.3 trillion in income annually by the year 2050.

Additionally, it is anticipated that financial markets would invest more money in businesses that are most likely to prevent a food crisis in the near future. But governance must take precedence in this case, particularly given that the need for substantial R&D funding implies that crop science will probably stay centred around a select group of major market participants, such as Nutrien Ltd. (NYSE:NTR), Archer Daniels Midland Company (NYSE:ADM), and Bunge Limited (NYSE:BG). As a result, the sector requires proactive, long-term investors who are committed to raising awareness of the most widely consumed genetically modified crops in the US.

In keeping with this, the European Union has also proposed steps to loosen GMO laws in an attempt to encourage major agribusiness corporations to invest more in GMOs. This programme aims to increase the sustainability of food systems and was accepted under a broader mission to support the food and biodiversity sectors. The European Commission has indicated that it intends to include novel genomic technologies (NGTs) to enhance crops’ resilience against pests, diseases, and environmental stressors. Developments like gene editing, which the bloc had previously stated were governed by the same regulations as other GMOs, are unknown to current authorities. Despite the insistence of environmentalists that these actions are essential to limiting the acceleration of climate change,

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) provides statistics on GMO consumption in the country, which we used to create our list of the top 10 genetically modified crops consumed in the US. In order to determine the amount of land each crop ascribed to its genetically modified variety, we chose to use data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Our main premise was that crops that naturally had large consumption quantities would be given more land in the US. We chose ten crops whose genetically modified varieties were responsible for the greatest amount of land, and we arranged the crops according to total acreage, starting with the lowest and working our way up.

In summary, we determined the total area assigned to each crop’s genetically modified variety in order to rank the top 10 genetically modified crops consumed in the United States. By the way, the investment website Insider Monkey follows the whereabouts of hedge funds and corporate executives. We ascertain the top stock selections of over 900 hedge funds that invest in US companies through the use of a comparable consensus method. approximately the previous ten years, the S&P 500 Index underperformed the top 10 hedge fund consensus stock choices by approximately 140 percentage points (see the specifics here). Hedge funds and corporate investors may offer valuable insights to both novice and experienced investors searching for the finest companies to purchase.

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