The CEO of Redfin gives a grave warning regarding the ‘rock bottom’ real estate market in the US: The ‘American dream’ is in jeopardy.

It is quite improbable that interest rates would decrease by the end of this year, so you’ll have to ask the Fed when the market is going to improve. So, the only real question is whether we’ll get lucky before the 2024 housing market peak. But I believe that most individuals have already given up on the 2023 housing market, he stated earlier this week.

The CEO explained, during an interview on “The Big Money Show,” that, contrary to popular belief, the events that led to “rock bottom” are not directly related to the state of the economy.

“Coming into the summer, consumers really adapted to higher prices. Since so many people declared, “I’m ready now, I’m going through with it no matter what,” during the start of the housing market, we had a large number of them return. Rates then increased once again. Therefore, over the past four to five weeks, we observed 20% to 25% of trades being cancelled as a result of rates clearing 7.5%, he said.

The fact that so many individuals no longer believe in the American ideal has larger ramifications. One in five millennials think they’ll never be home owners. Long-term investing is really difficult if you don’t have the confidence that you’re going to get your share. It’s really difficult to think that society will work in your favour. I believe that in order for [the] future generation to be able to participate in our society, we as a society must work together, construct more homes, and find other solutions.

introduce a 1% down payment programme with the goal of assisting prospective purchasers who have been priced out of the market as a result of high borrowing rates, expensive rents, and rising housing prices in an effort to get more homebuyers into the market.

Jackie DeAngelis, the co-host, commented on the show and called it a “recipe for disaster.” By claiming that the programme doesn’t address the “fundamental problem” with the real estate market, Kelman supported her assertion.

Housing affordability has reached a four-decade low. Since 2019, prices have increased by 40%, and now interest rates have added to that. The fact that this generation owns less than 20% of American wealth when it reaches home-buying age, in my opinion, is the true problem for us. I’m talking about the millennial generation, whereas more than 30% of the country’s wealth is owned by baby boomers, he continued.

We are capable of devising original funding. When something takes place, the piper must always be paid. But at the core, we need to figure out how to construct more homes. We’ve largely discovered that in conservative states, where cities like Orlando and Las Vegas have been expanding like crazy due to lax regulations and genuine partnerships with builders. These cities are where everyone is moving. So, previously, around 18% of our clients were moving. More than 25% of our consumers are moving as of late. Throughout the pandemic, that persisted. Nothing will make it stop.

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