Bill Gates reserved a whole Michelin-Star restaurant for two days, but he only sipped on a Diet Coke and left without sampling the $313 meal. Chef: ‘People with Money Value Things Less’

Rich cuisine is frequently seen as a sign of prosperity. If you were to imagine what the richest people might eat on a daily basis, you might picture foie gras served with a sweet syrup, bowls filled with caviar placed on top of crushed ice, and a delicious Wagyu steak thrown in for good measure.

While these gastronomic treats are within the means of billionaires, some are known for their unusual nutritional preferences. For example, the late Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Inc., famously followed a fruitarian diet. On the other hand, renowned investor Warren Buffett is renowned for his casual eating habits, frequently consuming ice cream, fast food, and drink.

Bill Gates, though, stands out when it comes to the odd eating habits of billionaires. Despite his enormous riches, Gates prefers a straightforward diet, especially during lunch, when he is known for his love of cheeseburgers.

“You’re eating burgers if you get the lunchtime slot with Bill. In an interview with The Telegraph, Gates Foundation managing director Joe Cerrell stated that “someone will always be sent to get bags of McDonald’s.” Gates also like Diet Coke a lot; according to Cerrell, when he travels, his hotel room is frequently supplied with the beverage.

According to a calculation made by Gates, the annual amount of Diet Coke he consumes resulted in 35 pounds of aluminium trash. “Once I arrive at work, I often pop open a can of Diet Coke. I might consume three or four throughout the course of the day,” he stated in a blog post on GatesNotes in 2014.

The billionaire prefers the carbonated beverage over even the most expensive meals at a restaurant.

Jordi Cruz, a renowned Spanish chef with a Michelin star, recently recalled a peculiar experience he had with Gates. Everyone was baffled by the millionaire co-founder of Microsoft Corp.’s sudden visit to Cruz’s celebrated restaurant ABaC in Barcelona.

Cruz spoke about the strange encounter in an interview that aired on “Planeta Calleja,” an internet programme hosted by Jess Calleja, on February 8.

Bill Gates visited the restaurant previously. His crew of 25 security came with him. Bill reserved the entire restaurant for himself, according to Cruz. “We had the largest and greatest things ready for him and his team. Do you understand what Bill did? He returned to his jet after obtaining a Diet Coke.

Cruz claimed that Gates had made a two-day reservation at the eatery, but chose to order a plain Diet Coke while the rest of his party indulged in ABaC’s delectable fare. The restaurant’s $313 tasting menu offers opulent dishes like flame-roasted guineafowl with corn, foie gras, sesame and black mole sauce, as well as whipped hazelnut butter with bread crusts and caviar, guineafowl with corn, foie gras, milk chocolate and tonka beans for dessert.

Cruz has enjoyed telling this tale since he initially told it more than seven years ago on another show. He voiced his continual astonishment at Gates’ surprise choice in his most recent recounting.

Cruz gave a firm “Zero” in response to Calleja’s inquiry regarding whether Gates had tried any of the dishes.

Cruz has his own thoughts on the topic, regardless of the rationale behind Gates skipping a Michelin-starred supper at the renowned ABaC restaurant.

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