CGTN: Interactions between individuals: A unique present is sent to Xi Jinping and his spouse by these American teens.

Lincoln High School Choir members made a painting for the Chinese president and his spouse on Thursday. The artwork featured traditional gates, huge pandas, and symbols of Washington state, such as the Space Needle and prairie dogs.

Since Madame Peng’s birthday is coming up, the teens also made birthday cards for her. A song for her birthday was also sung.

Through the “Enduring Friendship” event, which the U.S.-China Youth and Student Exchange Association and China Media Group (CMG) jointly organised, they provided the presents. The Chinese president accepted the present on behalf of CMG Head Shen Haixiong.

When President Xi and his wife Peng visited the school in 2015, Xi expressed to the pupils his hope that the youth of both countries would be able to improve communication and act as a bridge between them.

President Xi of China continues to issue the same call, eight years later. In a Wednesday meeting in San Francisco with US counterpart Joe Biden, Chinese President Xi made a plea to promote people-to-people contacts.

He called on the two parties to enhance their collaboration in the tourist sector, broaden their subnational exchanges, fortify their educational ties, and promote increased engagement and communication between their respective populations.

Xi stated during a welcome dinner on Wednesday night that China is prepared to invite 50,000 young Americans to China on exchange and study programmes over the course of the next five years in an effort to boost interactions between the two peoples, particularly amongst the youth.

John Easterbrook, the grandson of General Joseph Stilwell, Sarah Lande, the former executive director of Iowa Sister States and a longtime friend of China, and Elyn MacInnis, the chief researcher at the Kuliang Tourism and Culture Association, were among the speakers at the occasion. They praised President Xi’s backing of people-to-people interactions between China and the United States and pledged to fortify understanding and transmit the friendship between China and the United States to coming generations.

Attending the event, a student expressed his excitement about interacting with Chinese students and moving ahead to a brighter future in tandem.

“The interpersonal interactions foster environments that improve the quality of life for both Chinese and Americans,” stated Stephen Orlins, the president of the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations. “Now, what we need is more Americans to be going to China.”

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