Foreign Minister Wang Yi informs Biden that China and the US need to resume “healthy, stable” relations “at an early date.”

The one-hour conversation came ahead of what may be a meeting between Chinese President Xi Jinping and US President Joe Biden outside of the Apec gathering in California the following month.

Following discussions with National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Wang met with Biden at the White House.

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Wang reiterated to Biden earlier in his visit that China places a high value on the US and seeks to stabilise and enhance bilateral ties. Biden’s tour began on Thursday.

To truly stabilise and improve Sino-US relations, we must act responsibly towards the world, history, and people, and adhere to President Xi Jinping’s three principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win-win cooperation,” Wang was quoted as saying by Chinese state news agency Xinhua.

Wang stated that “the most important political foundation” for bilateral ties was the one-China concept and the Three Joint Communiques, which dictate Washington’s position on Taiwan.

According to the Xinhua article, Biden wished Xi a happy birthday and mentioned that the United States was eager to keep in touch with China and work with them to address world issues.

Wang’s three-day tour is a part of the US-China diplomatic team’s attempts to set the stage for Xi and Biden to perhaps meet at the November 11–17 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in San Francisco.

Additionally, it is the first visit to Washington by a foreign minister from China since 2018, the year the trade spat between the US and China started.

The talks between the two geopolitical rivals with profound policy differences were hailed by the White House as a “good opportunity” to maintain open lines of communication. Biden emphasised that the two nations “need to manage competition in the relationship responsibly and maintain open lines of communication.”

In an interview with Xinhua, Wang stated that the goal of his visit was to “proceed from the Bali summit towards a San Francisco summit, so as to prevent bilateral ties from further deteriorating and bring the China-US relationship back on the track of healthy and steady development at an early date,” building on the agreements that the two heads of state made at the G20 meeting in Indonesia last year.

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