The Powell Lawsuit

Sidney Powell's lawsuit, filed in November 2020, claimed election fraud and manipulation in Fulton County. But what you may not know is the extent of evidence she presented, which led to a full-scale investigation.

Video Footage

Surveillance cameras captured unusual activity at the State Farm Arena in Fulton County, where the votes were counted. This exclusive footage raised eyebrows and fueled suspicions.

Missing Chain of Custody Document

Intriguingly, some chain of custody documents for absentee ballots disappeared. This mystery remains unsolved, adding more intrigue to the case.

Whistleblower Testimonie

Multiple whistleblowers emerged, alleging irregularities and mishandling of ballots. Their testimonies shed light on the election's murky aspects.

Dominion Voting Machine

The controversy deepened with allegations of Dominion Voting Systems' involvement. Uncover what role these machines played in the election.

Delayed Inspection

Why were election inspections delayed for months in Fulton County? The story behind the delay reveals hidden truths.

Chain of Custody Violation

Learn about the instances where the chain of custody for ballots may have been violated, sparking concerns about election integrity.

Absentee Ballot Issue

Discover the unusual patterns in the handling of absentee ballots, leading to speculation about potential irregularities.

Forensic Audit

In 2021, forensic audits were conducted in Fulton County, unearthing intriguing findings that challenged the official narrative.

Inconsistent Signature Verification

Anomalies in signature verification procedures raised questions about the integrity of the election process.

Disputed Ballot Batche

Explore the controversy surrounding disputed ballot batches, shedding light on potential discrepancies in the vote count.

Fulton County's Role

Learn about the pivotal role of Fulton County in the 2020 election and how it became a focal point of the subversion claims.

Media Coverage

The media's handling of this case has been polarizing. Understand how different outlets reported on the allegations.

Ongoing Legal Battle

The legal battles stemming from the election subversion claims continue to this day. Get a glimpse into the latest developments.

Public Perception

The Fulton County saga has left a lasting impact on public perception of election integrity. Explore the evolving viewpoints.