Stargazing Paradise

Great Basin National Park is renowned for its incredibly dark night skies, making it a stargazing paradise. You can witness the Milky Way like never before, thanks to minimal light pollution.

Lehman Caves' Mysterie

Explore the stunning Lehman Caves with guided tours that reveal intricate formations, including stalactites, stalagmites, and more. These caves hold secrets dating back thousands of years.

Ancient Bristlecone Pine

Meet the world's oldest living trees, the ancient bristlecone pines. Some of these remarkable trees are over 4,000 years old.

Wheeler Peak's Majesty

Wheeler Peak, the highest point in the park, offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape. Hike to the summit and be rewarded with vistas that seem to stretch to infinity.

Astronomical Research Hub

Great Basin National Park hosts an astronomical observatory, making it a hub for cutting-edge research and astronomy enthusiasts.

Hidden Alpine Lake

Discover the park's hidden alpine lakes, offering serene beauty and a tranquil escape from the everyday hustle and bustle.

Dark Sky Park Designation

The park has earned the prestigious Dark Sky Park designation, ensuring a brilliant display of stars and celestial wonders.

Lehman Caves Tour

Take a guided tour of Lehman Caves to witness the intricate and awe-inspiring formations that lie beneath the surface.

Nevada's Unique Ecosystem

Explore the unique ecosystems of the park, from the high alpine to the desert, each offering its own charm and surprises.

Remarkable Nevada Hiking Trail

Great Basin National Park boasts an array of hiking trails, catering to all skill levels. Each one offers a unique adventure.

Spectacular Wildlife

Keep an eye out for the diverse wildlife that calls the park home, from marmots to bighorn sheep.

Ancient Glaciers' Mark

Evidence of ancient glaciers can be seen throughout the park, leaving their mark on the landscape.

High Desert Wonder

The park's high desert landscapes hold a treasure trove of surprises, from rugged terrain to hidden oases.

Rich Cultural History

Great Basin National Park has a rich cultural history, with evidence of past human inhabitants and their stories.

Hidden Springs and Waterfall

Uncover the park's hidden springs and waterfalls, offering unexpected beauty in this arid landscape.