Dressing well entails observation and mirror checking.

Q You recently stated that males shouldn’t need to invest time and effort into choosing their attire. Isn’t it exactly what your column is trying to say? telling us to obey regulations, dress nicely, and use colour harmony?

A I firmly believe that guys should consider their clothing choices. However, I don’t want men to worry about their decisions. A good outfit should be enjoyable. Furthermore, a degree in menswear is not necessary. Expecting any guy to be an authority in every subject is unreasonable. Why should a man whose specialty is finance be expected to design and colour match apparel like a pro? Nobody expects Ralph Lauren to be an expert in math or physics.

Of course, I adore fashion and believe that clothing are a part of life that may be really enjoyable. I can see from the comments that many of my readers share this sentiment with their partners. Partners seem content to let me handle the heavy lifting so they won’t have to berate me.

Sen. John Fetterman was criticised for wearing extremely casual sweats to work in a recent op-ed piece in The Washington Post. It was evidently in line with the opinions of many individuals who felt that severely ‘dressing down’ the office denigrated it. The statement that “Clothes might not make the man or woman, but they do tell us a great deal about them” particularly resonated with me.

To dress nicely, you don’t need to be wealthy. You just need to follow a few guidelines and have a mirror. I’ve been preaching the same message for a long time.

Recently, I saw two men residing in a posh senior living community. Each was distinctive in its own way. One man had a great appearance; his personal grooming was excellent, and he used colour beautifully and tastefully. When I recognised him and inquired about him, I discovered that he had served as a senior military officer before retiring. The other man emerged wearing a rumpled T-shirt and a mismatched pair of shorts; he had an impressive full head of silvery-gray hair and a full beard. It was obvious that he needed to trim his beard and hair. The difference was startling. Which one would a woman find more attractive? I asked myself this question, to which the answer seemed quite apparent.

One benefit of learning how to dress well is this: Contrary to other abilities, such as learning to ski or play golf successfully, mastering the essentials of looking beautiful does not require years of practise or a significant financial investment. Two fantastic places to start are just paying a little more attention and being willing to examine oneself in a mirror (preferably a full-length one).

Additionally, it’s comforting to know that many of the “rules” of men’s attire are movable. Nobody anticipates you to agree to everything. But it helps you to unwind and exercise discretion knowing that you are adhering to the rules that have been established for decades. Remember, you are still in control and have the option to choose not to follow any of my recommendations if they cause you any discomfort. If one is very knowledgeable about men’s fashion, it is feasible to appear decent while breaking some rules. If not, then follow my advice and learn the rules before breaking them.

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