Early Advocacy

Dianne Feinstein's commitment to LGBTQ rights dates back to the early '70s when she publicly supported the decriminalization of homosexuality, becoming a beacon of hope for the community.

First Female Mayor

Discover how Feinstein made history as the first female mayor of San Francisco and her pivotal role in addressing LGBTQ issues during her tenure.

Harvey Milk Connection

Uncover her close working relationship with Harvey Milk, the first openly gay elected official in California, and their shared vision for a more inclusive society.

Proposition 6

Learn about Feinstein's opposition to Proposition 6, a critical moment in her advocacy where she fought against the discrimination of LGBTQ teachers.

A Symbol of Inclusivity

Explore how her mayoral term saw the appointment of several LGBTQ individuals to important city positions, symbolizing her commitment to inclusivity.

AIDS Crisis Response

Delve into her proactive response to the AIDS crisis in San Francisco, which set a precedent for other cities and laid the groundwork for federal action.

Advocacy in the Senate

Understand how Feinstein continued her LGBTQ advocacy in the U.S. Senate, championing important legislation like the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA).

Marriage Equality

Witness her vocal support for marriage equality and her role in the historic Supreme Court ruling that legalized same-sex marriage nationwide.

Transgender Right

Learn about her efforts to advance transgender rights, including her support for gender-neutral identification and healthcare access.

Hate Crimes Legislation

Discover how Feinstein played a key role in passing hate crimes legislation that included protections for LGBTQ individuals.

Support for Military Service

Explore her unwavering support for ending "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," allowing LGBTQ individuals to serve openly in the U.S. military.

International Advocacy

See how she extended her advocacy globally, advocating for LGBTQ rights in countries where such issues were still taboo.

LGBTQ Youth Support

Find out about her work to support LGBTQ youth, including anti-bullying initiatives and mental health support.

Congressional Allie

Learn about Feinstein's partnerships with fellow lawmakers in advancing LGBTQ rights, forging bipartisan connections.

Continuing Legacy

Wrap up with insights into how Dianne Feinstein's legacy continues to shape LGBTQ advocacy in the modern era.