A Different Kind of Bo

Cassidy Hutchinson recalls how Donald Trump often referred to himself as the "CEO President," emphasizing his business acumen in politics.

Early Riser

The former president was known for his early mornings, often starting his day at 5:30 AM with a barrage of tweets.

The Diet Coke Obsession

Trump's love for Diet Coke was legendary, with a button on his desk designed exclusively to summon the beverage.

Oval Office Redesign

The Oval Office underwent a significant makeover under Trump's administration, with gold curtains and a color palette that matched his taste.

The White House Dietitian

An in-house dietitian was employed to cater to the president's dietary preferences, including his beloved fast food.

Social Media Savvy

Trump was the first president to make extensive use of social media, using Twitter to communicate directly with the public.

The Lincoln Bedroom Mystery

Cassidy reveals a little-known secret about the Lincoln Bedroom being used for informal meetings, often late into the night.

The Role of Ivanka and Jared

The influence of Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner behind the scenes was more significant than many realized.

Secret Tunnels

There's a network of secret tunnels beneath the White House, originally built for security reasons during the Cold War era.

The Truman Balcony

The Truman Balcony, a lesser-known feature, is a private space for the first family to enjoy fresh air and beautiful views.

The Bowling Alley

Hidden beneath the White House is a bowling alley, providing a fun pastime for the president and guests.

The Presidential Bunker

Discover the details of the presidential bunker, a secure location for the commander-in-chief during emergencies.

The Lincoln Desk

Trump used the Resolute Desk, a historic piece of furniture that has been in the White House for generations.

The White House Ghost

Hear about the eerie tales of ghostly encounters reported by White House staff over the years.

The Final Farewell

Cassidy shares her emotional experience of witnessing Trump's departure from the White House on his last day in office.