Parks Are Still Accessible

During a government shutdown, national parks remain accessible to visitors. While some services may be limited, the natural beauty and wonders of these parks are always open to explorers like you.

Reduced Service

During a shutdown, park services such as visitor centers, guided tours, and trash collection may be limited or unavailable. Be prepared to be self-sufficient and pack out your trash.

Campgrounds May Be Affected

Campground availability and services can vary during a shutdown. Check ahead to see if your favorite campsite is open and make reservations if possible.

Emergency Services Are Still Available

In case of emergencies, essential services like search and rescue operations and law enforcement remain active in the parks.

Wildlife Thrive

With fewer crowds during a government shutdown, wildlife tends to be more active and visible. Keep your camera ready for some incredible animal encounters.

Limited Amenitie

Restaurants, lodges, and gift shops within the parks may have reduced hours or be closed. Plan ahead and bring your own supplies.

Stay Informed

Before your visit, check the park's official website or contact the park directly for the most up-to-date information on park conditions and services during a government shutdown.

Leave No Trace

Always follow the Leave No Trace principles to protect and preserve the natural beauty of the parks. Respect the environment and other visitors.

Off-Season Adventure

Visiting during a government shutdown can offer a unique off-season experience with fewer crowds and a more intimate connection with nature.

Photography Paradise

National parks during a shutdown provide stunning photography opportunities with uncrowded landscapes and unique lighting conditions.

Park Rangers Are Still Working

Park rangers are dedicated to protecting the parks even during a shutdown. If you have questions or need assistance, don't hesitate to ask for their help.

Road Condition

Keep in mind that road maintenance may be limited, so some park roads may not be accessible. Check road conditions before planning your route.

Explore Lesser-Known Attraction

With popular spots potentially crowded or closed, take the opportunity to explore hidden gems within the parks that you might not have discovered otherwise.

Weather Consideration

Be aware that weather conditions can be unpredictable, especially in remote areas. Plan accordingly and stay safe.

Share Your Experience

Share your adventure on social media with the hashtag #ShutdownParkExploration. Connect with other explorers and inspire them to experience the magic of national parks during a government shutdown.